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F I N D  M E  I N  T H E  O C E A N
V E R S I O N  1

F I N D  M E  I N  T H E



When I first got the idea for this book, I always imagined the main character, Ethan, floating in water, where the water sort of symbolises him drowning in his feelings. The title Find me in the ocean can therefore also be interpreted as to find him in his feelings.

Original character idea of Ethan, made on Picrew.

Pose reference made by Elena Kalis on Flickr.


E V E R Y T H I N G  I

N E V E R *  S A I D


This book is the second in the book cover series. The story follows Calum, who has selective mutism, and his neighbour, who is deaf. I chose this title of the story since neither of them really speak in it, but they communicate through other mediums.


Original character ideas of the main characters, made on Picrew.

Calum Johnson (3).png

A F T E R  I  M E T  Y O U


This is the third cover in the book cover series, and it’s about Jamie and how he slowly falls in love with his roommate. I wanted to keep on theme with the bubble style and chose to paint them laying down in the grass.


Original character ideas of the main characters, made on Picrew.

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